Our third Conservative Policy Forum event will be held on Tue 30 Apr and will be focused on the topic of Sustaining Democracy. How can we strengthen the Union, ensuring that the government serves people in every part of the UK? How can we encourage more people, especially young people, to participate in our democracy?
A briefing paper with more details about the topic and some key questions can be found at
We are interested in your perspective!
This is a free event so why not come along to the pub, buy a drink and help shape future policy? The discussions from the evening will be summarised and sent to Ministers for a response.
Tuesday 30th April 2019 from 7pm
Earl of Lonsdale Pub, 277 - 281 Westbourne Grove, London W11 2QA
To RSVP please click on this link :-
Robert Titchener-Barrett, Virginia Crosbie and David Mytton look forward to seeing you there!