Petition: Get Fulham Moving

The Labour Council’s latest traffic scheme, aimed to stop rat-running through Harwood Terrace, has done nothing to improve traffic across Fulham. At best it seems merely a sticking plaster for one small group of streets, that has pushed rat-running and congestion onto neighbouring roads. There are many residential areas across Fulham that also suffer from rat-running – this proposal does nothing to help them and could make things worse overall. 

What has changed?
Following the outpouring of public anger against the Labour run Council’s previous decision to close Harwood Terrace completely, they have now introduced a pilot where Harwood Terrace will be partially reopened to only some vehicles: 
• Cameras will recognise vehicle number plates so that local residents and other permitted vehicles under the scheme can drive through control points.
• All other vehicles will incur a penalty though if they drive into residential streets east of Wandsworth Bridge Road and then exit through Bagleys Lane junction to go through Harwood Terrace or if they drive through Stephendale Road, Hazlebury Road or Broughton Road to bypass queues and re-join Wandsworth Bridge Road.  

What are your local Conservative Councillors doing?
Your local Conservative Councillors have been calling for a much wider review of traffic movement across Fulham. We need to improve traffic flow on major roads and prevent rat-running through quiet residential streets - which is a major nuisance and means our residents like you have to put up with more pollution, more noise and less safe streets around their homes. 

Please sign our petition below:

We, the undersigned, demand H&F Council conduct a wider review of traffic movement across Fulham, including the contribution to extra traffic and pollution brought about by the Hammersmith Bridge closure, and a reversal of the current pilot scheme causing misery for residents in South Fulham.

Fulham Traffic Petition

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