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Your local Councillors - here to help
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us!
You can email us as a team at [email protected]
Cllr. Janet Evans
Janet Evans has been serving Courtfield as a Councillor since 2018, the ward where she loves, and has lived and worked for 35 years. Janet is passionate about quality of life for our residents, families, and businesses. Janet is Chair of the RBKC Licensing Committee, and is the Council Digital Inclusion Ambassador, as well as a Governor of the Royal Marsden Hospital. Janet Chaired Family Services Select Committee and has sat on the Planning Committee, and sits on the Courtfield Crime Panel, bringing together police and residents together to keep Courtfield safe.
Janet served as Deputy Mayor of RBKC.
Cllr. Greg Hammond
Greg has been a councillor for Courtfield ward, where he also lives, since 2018. His priorities include preserving what is special about our area so that it's still special in a hundred years, while maintaining good services for current residents at good value for money. His other work is in professional regulation, and he is a former RAF Group Captain.
Cllr. Quentin Marshall
Quentin has lived in the Borough for over forty years. He was elected as a Councillor in 2008 for the Brompton Ward. Following boundary changes, he followed part of his old ward to the new Courtfield ward in 2014. Quentin has served as chairman of the Housing and Property Scrutiny committee, as well as the Planning committee. He is currently chairman of the Investment Committee, which oversees the Council’s pension fund. Prior to becoming a Councillor, Quentin was chairman of the Holland Park Residents Association and a Governor of Christ Church school in Chelsea.